
The content of and its graphic presentation is protected under the copyright laws.


1. Expresta s.r.o. (hereinafter also as “Company”) holds the copyright on the content of In the absence of a prior consent, the content thereof may only be used for non-commercial and personal purposes. The Terms and Conditions apply to all users unless stated otherwise in writing. Any unauthorized public distribution will be the subject of an investigation, and in case of a provable infringement of copyright, being an operator of the website, the Company will take necessary legal steps.
The content of its website is the property of Expresta s.r.o. or it is published with a prior consent of the website owner/an owner of the content thereof concerned.

2. Expresta s.r.o. expends all its efforts maintaining the up-to-date and correct information on the webpage. It is not liable for any potential errors and omissions on the webpage. The Company reserves the right to change its content and the price offer!

3. The user of the webpage hereby agrees with the terms and conditions of the use. Owners and employees of the Company are not liable for any damage suffered in connection with or by searching or using the webpage.
Expresta s.r.o. hereby denies a liability for any technical damage caused by using the afore-mentioned webpage.

4. For the webpage to be fully functional, it is necessary to install the Flash technology and allow JavaScript and cookies in your Internet browser.

5. Expresta s.r.o. hereby undertakes to protect personal data of its clients, job applicants and registered webpage users in accordance with Act no. 122/2013 Coll. on Personal Data Protection and under the Company's internal rules and regulations.